ioi Choi

The process of representing the body as an archive of movement involves mixing earth pigments with vegetable oil to create paint. The mixture is then applied to every surface of her body. Since Ioi works primarily on large scaled canvases spread out on the floor, there is enough space to swim across, performing a series of floorwork focusing on the body - its contractions, bends, rolls, and stretches. With the intention of arranging the body like a sculpture, carving the space around her, Ioi attempts to create a non-linear composition that layers over each other. 

The performative process eliminates the boundaries between the body and the ground we stand on by initiating an intimate ritual with pigments from the soil of the earth; reminding us that we are not a single tree in a forest but the entire forest in a tree. We are a part of the universe, rather than apart from it. ​

In this series titled “MIRRORS” and “SILHOUETTES", ioi expresses a journey of the human body as the starting point in relation to matter. Each chapter’s title provides a guideline to explore a spiritual aspect of existence. Each image is an invitation to accept the forms that surface in the viewer’s mind’s eye. A mirror to each individual’s subconscious river. Much like a Rorschach test, each piece remains meaningless without its viewers’ perception of its seemingly abstract forms. 



2024 "Polar Voids", Asian Art Bridge, Paris, France
2018 "Boudin Rouge", Paris College of Art, Paris, France
Group Show 
2024 - "La Vie est un Flux", Galerie Misanscene, Liège, Belgique

2023 Open Art, group exhibition

        Gallery Art Number 23, Barcelona, Spain

2023 IMPRESSIONS, group exhibition The Holy Art Gallery
         London, United Kingdom

2020 Pause, group exhibition
         Bastille Design Center, Paris, France

2019 Boudin Rouge, two-person exhibition Paris College of Art
         Paris, France



2022 The Loubi Show II by Christian Louboutin

2022 Dancer

2022 The Loubi Show II by Christian Louboutin Paris Spring Women's Fashion Week, Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

2022 The Loubi Show by Christian Louboutin Paris Winter Women's Fashion Week

Espace Niemeyer, Paris, France

2019 Watermelon Sisters Go Camping in Paris, Dance Performance

Centre National de la Danse, Pantin, France


Cabaret Artist

2019 - 2021



Pink Paradise Champs-Elysées, Paris


Loubillusion by Christian Louboutin, Paris Spring Women's Fashion Week
Atelier des Lumières, Paris, France

Loubi Angels (Campaign)

Christian Louboutin